Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wisconsin: The Tea Party test case - Tea Parties | Tea Party Movement, Tax Day Tea Party - Salon.com

Wisconsin: The Tea Party test case - Tea Parties | Tea Party Movement, Tax Day Tea Party - Salon.com

The contradictions abound. This piece by David Sirota dovetails nicely with my previous blog entry. The great swindle of '10 continues. The Tea Party strength is outrage, anger, and in the end an empty vessel. The brains behind the scenes are succeeding in using this energy to completely subvert the stated aims of the Baggers.

The case of the Wisconsin Primary is not a pure test of Tea Party power though. Mr. Johnson has split with the party line on several issues when nailed by Feingold. The bottom line remains however that the Tea Party support is enabling the Republican.
The key passage from Mr. Sirota:
On the other side is Republican Ron Johnson, the antithesis of everything the Tea Party says it stands for. In business, Johnson built a company propped up by government grants and loans -- otherwise known in Tea Party terms as “bailouts.” As a board member of a local opera house, he lobbied for funds from the same “big government” stimulus bill the Tea Party despises. During the campaign, he has touted NAFTA-style trade policies’ “creative destruction” of Wisconsin’s manufacturing economy. And rather than promoting the freedom the Tea Party says it values, Johnson has praised China’s repressive communist regime for its economic policies.
Mr. Sirota suggests that pure partisanship drives the Tea Party. I disagree. The Tea Party is an emotional response to fear. Name whatever fear you want, including the loss of prestige in our society, it is primal fear that drives the Baggers. Into this empty vessel has been poured the money of plutocrats who stand 180 degrees AGAINST what the Tea Party is fighting so hard FOR. The swindle is on and the results will be in soon.

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