Friday, October 12, 2007

We Don't Torture

From the Rolling Stone this month I read that John McCain actually spoke out against torture in the South Carolina Debate several weeks ago,  He made two points.  First, he was concerned that our POW's would now be tortured.  The second point was simply that waterboarding was invented as a torture device during the Spanish Inquisition.  He went on record in defiance of the Bush Administration by REFUSING to support the torture methods of the Spanish Inquision!  Good work Senator McCain! 

In the "I couldn't say it better myself" catagory, take a look at this:

Sidney Blumenthal writes in his Salon opinion column:

"Torture is state-sanctioned deviant behavior. It is degrading, arbitrary, cruel and illegal. As all responsible intelligence officers know, torture is the least productive technique of all, and torture yields inherently tainted information. Torture destroys the humanity of more than those tortured. It destroys the souls of those performing the torture. When Americans torture, Americans are shattered. Torture feeds secrecy. It undermines democracy. And it is shameful. Even the Gestapo and the KGB tried to hide their torture. Torture is considered uncivilized by most of the world's nations. At the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals, the U.S. tried, convicted and executed Nazi leaders for engaging in torture. Those that do not adhere to international treaties against torture are rightly branded rogue nations. Torture is the mark of tyrannies.”

I can only say AMEN!

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