Thursday, December 11, 2008

Loyalty or Incompetence?

The Center for Public Integrity has just put out a report entitled, "Broken Government: An assessment of 128 executive branch failures since 2000." This is the same group the published a report of the 935 lies told by Bush Administration officials in the run-up to the Iraq War.

In many ways this is just old news that keeps getting worse. "Incompetent" was the word most folks agreed that described the Bush regime. It wasn't like they were trying to be stupid, just that competence was not valued, and the "failures" of government were celebrated as "loyalty." In a perverted way, the Bushies STILL THINK that the way Government should be run is the way THEY did it!

Dan Froomkin:

Bush and Vice President Cheney intentionally put into key posts people who didn't support the traditional missions of the agencies they led. Competence or experience often weren't as important as loyalty to the White House, rigid ideological commitment to deregulation, aversion to oversight and allegiance to corporate and special interests over consumers and the general public.

The Full List:

One of the more interesting aspects of the transition period is the Bush Legacy Tour. We can see that the art of spin is still the primary policy and watching the loyalists "spin" in the wind is THE most entertaining show of this political season. Reports of 935 lies and 128 government failures during the Bush Administration will provide a truthful backdrop for the Legacy Tour. Let's watch..

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