Friday, May 4, 2007

The GOP Candidates Debate

Macho, strutting, angry, white men, who all have to pause and think about whether or not they believe in evolution. Natty, blue suited, haired and hairless posturers who declare their fealty to Nancy Reagan's husband but fail to support her pet cause, stem-cell research. Fantasists who dream of overturning Roe v. Wade to promote "human freedom" but not women's right to choose. (Women aren't human??) Smiling, smart-aleck, playground trashers responding to unforgivable softballs like this, "Would it be a good thing for the country to have Bill Clinton back in the White House?" Watching the candidates tee off on that did not increase my respect or admiration for any of them.

Note: This wasn't any more fun for me that watching all the Dems trash Reagan. Of course Bush has trashed himself and the Repubs don't care about him anymore, but that's another blog for another day.

The whole show was for the benefit of the right-wing radical "base." Pandering to the extremist elements of the GOP base is the campaign strategy of choice. Sadly all the useless arguing, righteous anger, and macho posturing only shown that none of them were willing to even address any issues of real importance regarding actually governing our country. Pandering to creationists, pro-life groups, right-wing war mongers, and partisan hacks makes these guy look very un-presidential, and just plain DUMB. Full-speed ahead! Damn the torpedos! Every Republican is a hero! and a MAN! Watch us strut! We'll protect you with our big....

Candidates! Shut up and listen! Quit talking aimlessly, picking on each other, and calling names! Sit down and be quiet. Here are your questions of the day. Answers to these should now become the most important issues in your campaign. The answers you give will actually determine your ability to be a competent administrator and public servant worthy of the title President of the United States.

- How do you propose to make and keep America solvent financially?

- How do you propose to care for the citizens of the United States with regards to health care and education?

- What will you do to increase the quality of the transportation, communication, and energy infrastructure? Do you feel that these essential local, state, and federal services are vital to America's national security and way of life?

- Do you agree that America is a bipartisan nation and that we are all loyal citizens in love with our country and willing to fight to keep it free?

- Do you believe that the immigrant work force is an important resource to the American economy?

- Do you believe that the Bill of Rights can be suspended by the Executive Branch in times of national crisis or in wartime?

- How will you handle the conclusion of the Iraq war?

I'm not going to hold my breath on these issues folks. I am certain that I won't hear much debate or discussion about them in the coming campaigns. I do know that I'll hear liberals endlessly talking about water-boarding and torture, politicization, one-party rule, Pro-Choice, and nobody likes America anymore. From the conservatives I will hear lots about abortion, stem-cell research, anti-gun control, victory, John Edwards haircuts and tax relief. Just for once I'd like either party to get serious for just a little while and tell us how they will pragmatically and systematically begin to solve the issues that affect the quality and security of our lives every day!

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