Friday, November 21, 2014

Now it's Immigration, Mr. Obama's Speech

I'm watching the speech and coverage of Mr. Obama's speech last night.  Old news for everyone else, but new for me.  Here are some observations as the debate moves forward.

Ted Cruz looks and sounds like a TV preacher.  He's got that soulful delivery along with the pastor-speak that uses unnecessarily ornate language.  He's a smart man, a good lawyer, but I think we should be wary of everything he says.  He's being paid by a bunch of corporate supporters and his electorate supports his radical political and religious views so everything he says is a courtroom defense.  He's a powerful advocate seeking to serve his constituents including his corporate sponsors. Hold every word he says in the light of who he is advocating for and everything he says makes perfect sense.

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order. Legal. Excellent talking point. That order caused a pretty significant response from folks in the South.  Something similar this time? We'll see. Tom Coburn thinks the speech will cause anarchy and violence.  Many on the radical right advocate an emotional response like impeachment, government shut down or defunding the Justice Department, almost all are resorting to some form of petty name calling but so far, no substantial argument.

I'm watching the speech now...

The MSM is now officially worthless with regards to any type of journalism.  They didn't carry the speech live and their coverage today emphasizes the emotional arguments of their corporate masters. Local affiliates were better at serving the public by choosing to carry the speech live in many locations around the country.

Immigration policy is necessary, everyone wants it, everyone knows it must be done.  One party won't, the other party only offers lukewarm support.  The President is acting.  Gnashing of teeth to ensue.

The President has just re-defined amnesty!  He just said that amnesty is what we have now with no accountability at all! I'm very sure that the word amnesty is being used by the opposition as a meaningless pejorative with little regard for what it actually means.  Huzzah for the Pres for fighting fire with fire.  For the record:

amnesty |ˈamnistē
noun (pl. amnesties
an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses: an amnesty for political prisoners | the new law granted amnesty to those who illegally left the country.• an undertaking by the authorities to take no action against specified offenses or offenders during a fixed period: a month-long weapons amnesty.
So.... Mr Obama's action actually IS an amnesty.  Will we hear that in the media?  I wonder.....  Meanwhile, the President's actions seem to point towards providing as much accountability as possible, a good thing.

There are some caveats.  Immigrants will need to pass background checks, pay taxes, and understand that they are allowed to stay TEMPORARILY without fear of deportation.  Criminals need not apply. (Will Steve King hear this?)

To his distraught opponents on Capital Hill?  "Pass a Bill."   Boom!

Notable quote, "We were strangers once too."

Now let the "reasoned, thoughtful, passionate debate" ensue.  He is audaciously hopeful isn't he?  The real question is, "Is he acting alone?"

More work to do....

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