Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The National Memo � Block A Grand Bargain With Bold Progressive Solutions To Social Security And Medicare

The National Memo � Block A Grand Bargain With Bold Progressive Solutions To Social Security And Medicare:

Mr. Kirch - "It is up to progressives, inside and outside of Congress, to seize the moment. It’s a simple message: Instead of making painful cuts to Social Security and Medicare, we can boost benefits for seniors and make sure that the programs are there for the long term by having millionaires EVERYONE pay into Social Security like everyone else and stopping drug companies from ripping off Americans. and allow Medicare to lower drug prices for everyone by using its massive purchasing power."[ My emphasis.]
Progressives need to be careful about how they present these issues.  They need to remember that there are about as many partisan Progressives as there are partisan Conservatives.  Progressives and their potential allies do not do outrage very well.  The initial comments above, edited by me, show that when progressives try, it truly sounds insincere and false.

Progressives can and should be the SMART party.  Let's create strong, positive solutions to the real problems we face in our society.  THAT should be our message.  Let the progressive message contrast sharply with the idealistic and projected solutions to problems that conservatives think might happen. Progressives should be all about what's happening on the ground in real, simple and effective policy.  Let the right wing dwell in the land of defensive fear and false pretense.

More work to do...

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