Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tranforming the Debate, Liberals Win

Robert Creamer: How Obama Seized the Political High Ground in Budget War

Mr. Creamer is the most optimistic progressive I know. If you are ever in need of a pick-me-up, if you're down and troubled, read some of his writings. It's a shot in the arm to the progressive soul.

"...the moment we transform the debate into a contest between progressive and radical conservative values -- between the progressive and conservative visions of the future -- we completely change the political equation.

Yesterday, President Obama argued that the debate about the federal budget is actually about two very different visions of American society:

  • Are we all in this together -- or do we believe in a society where everyone is out for himself and himself alone?
  • Should we simultaneously take responsibility for ourselves and look out for each other -- or should the strongest and most clever among us simply be allowed to dominate and exploit the rest?
  • Do we aspire to hope and possibility -- to the belief that we can shape a better future for our kids? Or are we ready to concede that we can no longer afford to assure that every child has the education she needs to fulfill her potential =- or that seniors should be denied a dignified life in their retirement -- or that if you're sick and poor, you're just out of luck?

Our religious traditions make it clear which side of this value debate embodies the true aspirations of most Americans -- as does our choice of heroes and heroines."

I like it. The part about the transformation of the debate. Liberals win when we talk values, about being in this together and about being personally responsible while we are in this together. Huge majorities of the country support the liberal social safety net as well as the policies that help all of us do better.

Thank you Mr. Obama.

More work to do...

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