Monday, April 4, 2011

House GOP's 'Radical' Plan To Overhaul Medicare, Medicaid | TPMDC

House GOP's 'Radical' Plan To Overhaul Medicare, Medicaid | TPMDC

Here it is. Right out in the open where we can all see. Who will look?

Low-income Medicaid beneficiaries will lose their guaranteed benefits altogether.
There you go. In a nut-shell. Think about that for a little. The American Dream is now officially out of reach for the Low-income, the poor, the lower class. But wait, it gets worse.

Recently Princeton economist Uwe Reinhardt -- a respected health care expert -- described the plan this way: "Under the defined contribution approach envisaged by the Rivlin-Ryan plan, most of the risk of future health-care cost increases would be shifted onto the shoulders of Medicare beneficiaries. This feature makes the proposal radical."
Shifting the costs of health care onto the folks who can afford it the least. What part of the American Dream does this belong to? The part where the heel of the boot is on your neck? Where is that in the annals of American History? Oh wait! Wasn't that what the original Tea Party was all about? The Oligarchs of the East India Tea Company ruling the colonies with an iron hand? Now we're handing the oligarchs of the Health Care industry the power of quality of life? Is the dream over? Will anyone look?

More work to do...Mr. Obama has just declared for 2012.

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