Monday, January 3, 2011

If Social Security is going broke, then why are you trying to cut it more?

Open Left:: If Social Security is going broke, then why are you trying to cut it more?

And From Bob Schrum:

" "Early Bird" movement of seniors, progressives, and working Americans should organize campaign events to demonstrate, demand answers, and hold candidates to account. They could pin Republicans as anti-Social Security. They could make Democrats do what they haven't yet done for themselves-run as champions of Social Security."

I"m ready to demand that Social Security should be taken off the table with regards to the national debt debate. Public Theft of Social Security funds meant for my mom, myself, my spouse, my brother, my children and grandchildren should be denied at all cost. Democrats, progressives, PEOPLE... unite on this issue. We are the champions of Social Security. Those who oppose this safety net should be called out at every opportunity and labeled loudly and often as such.

Repeat after me...., "Social Security, by law, is not funded by adding to the national debt.  It is separately funded.  It is a social contract that depends on the workers of America working together to fund each others retirement.  LEAVE IT ALONE."

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