Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Obama Lashes Out At 'Hostage-Taking' Republicans, Sanctimonious Democrats

Obama Lashes Out At 'Hostage-Taking' Republicans, Sanctimonious Democrats

This friends, is leadership. Mr. Obama's hand is on the tiller of the ship of state. He is probably the only one in the room that has the interests of the American people, ALL of the American people at heart. Rich and poor, Red and Blue, urban and rural, and all shades of skin color have gotten something from this. What Mr. Obama has done is pretty close to miraculous. He has succeeded in wringing out a compromise that actually has benefits in it to pretty much everyone.

I predicted long ago (was it really only two years?) that if Mr. Obama were to be truly successful, it would really piss off both the left and right. The mark of genius, and the mark of leadership is the ability to get things done. Add this to a list of accomplishments, not a list of failures. Add this to Mr. Obama's profile of courage.

This kind of accomplishment IS what democracy is about. It's a little ugly, kind of a mess, but the only thing worse is anything else. Thank you Mr. Obama.

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