Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Three Good Ideas And Three Not So Good Ideas From The Chairmen Of The Debt Commission

Three Good Ideas And Three Not So Good Ideas From The Chairmen Of The Debt Commission

At long last, the debate we should be having. Revenue and Spending. We need to decide as a nation what we need to do together, and what we simply wish we had. Then we need to figure out a way to pay for it. Simple.

The best point made in this post by Michael Linden is the cuts in the Defense Budget. It's guns and butter. In this case, the average American would not feel any of the defense cuts. They would not affect any part of anyone's life except the folks actually working in a defense plant and the fat cats pushing needless and pointless weapons programs as a "jobs" program.

Cutting health care, education, science, food and drug safety, and law enforcement actually does make our lives much more insecure and dangerous. Our lives depend on all of the above in a much more real and personal way than anything the bloated defense budget can offer us.

It's time to protect the common folk and not so much the imperialistic capitalists who need to expand their profit base in foreign lands.

On the revenue side, at long last comes the recognition that there must be a way to pay for the things we choose do to together as a nation.  The government must be made to work efficiently FOR the American people who aren't the wealthiest and most powerful.  The government must protect the interests of those who are pretty much powerless to protect themselves.

This is a pretty good start. 

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