Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Learning by mistakes? Not the Right Wing, No Sir!

Anti-Muslim hysteria mirrors the torture debate. Both events triggered massive recruitment gains by radical islamists... This current hysteria is even worse, the recruiting is going on here.

Is Holy War really what the Right Wing is longing for? Do they need an enemy that desperately? Crazy!

Amplify’d from seminal.firedoglake.com

Chickenhawk-Fueled Anti-Muslim Hysteria Helps Terrorist Recruitment

By: Jim White
Tuesday August 31, 2010 6:21 am
In a remarkable appearance on Countdown Monday evening, Evan Kohlmann
provided a compelling explanation of how the anti-Muslim hysteria that is now calling for the Park 51 project not to proceed with the building of a Muslim center in lower Manhattan is a tremendous recruiting tool for terrorists:
Kohlmann and Alexander are providing a rational viewpoint that demonstrates how living up to the ideals of religious freedom on which our country was founded will take away the primary basis for terrorist recruitment both internationally and domestically. In stark contrast, the chickenhawks, while trying to score quick political points, are playing right into the "trap" Kohlmann describes, and fueling the next round of terorist recruitment while destroying the ideals of our country.
Read more at seminal.firedoglake.com

The Best Education? No education at all... Right Wing Craziness

American Idiots redux.... Ms Angle's and her right wing supporters need a thoroughly uneducated populace in order to implement their political goals. Think about it... uh, er.....

Amplify’d from thinkprogress.org
Sharron Angle’s Plan For Education: Eliminate All Of It

Angle supports a two-step process to reform education in the United States:

  • Phase One: Eliminate all federal funding of education.

  • Phase Two: Eliminate all other funding of education.
Read more at thinkprogress.org

Housing Crisis Not nearly over yet

As the stimulus programs for housing that some folks say "never worked" go away, we'll be in the situation of "never know what you've got til it's gone." - Joni Mitchell
Amplify’d from news.firedoglake.com

Data Suggests Imminent Spike in Foreclosures

By: David Dayen Tuesday August 31, 2010 9:02 am
The point is that the props for the housing market are gradually being kicked away. Either the economy will suffer from the huge costs associated with foreclosures, or the banks will participate in offsetting the funding. Right now, it looks like the former.
Read more at news.firedoglake.com

Flights of Fancy? Democrats in Trouble?

According to Think Progress this morning, Sarah Palin, a leading Facebook candidate for higher office in 2010, is sequestered from the public, sheltered from any kind of scrutiny that might undermine her message. In her contract that has just been made public via FOIA, in addition to the "diva" clauses, her access to the media and to the public is severely restricted: pre-approved questions from the audience, advance approval for media access, limited recording of speeches, pre-approved autograph sessions and photo ops, limited or no "face-time" access, pre-approved promo material and guest lists for receptions.

Ken Cuccinelli, our very own Virginia attorney general, is spending a lot of time in court, chasing windmills or engaging in political witchhunts. His radical right wing ideology takes him on flights of fancy, fueled by frivolous law suits and strangely written legal briefs that leave prudent lawyers, judges and law professionals shaking their heads in disbelief.

Pragmatic, prudent leadership? I think not. With Ms Palin, it is simply the preservation of an image, the promotion of a specific, untainted message, the sequestering of a volatile candidate who can't cope with media pressure, public scrutiny and only looks and sounds like a serious candidate when placed securely in her protective bubble.

With Mr. Cuccinelli, we have an attorney general who insists on using the office to pursue ideological witch hunts and has a radical agenda that doesn't look after the best interests of Virginians, but pursues ideological flights of fancy against all manner of "liberal" ghosts and goblins.

These are but two examples of the "prudent" leadership offered up by the GOP in this election season. These are perfect examples of the topsy turvy world of this political season where prudence is a fanciful flight of ideology, where responsibility is the perfect maintenance of the candidate in a bubble, and where conservatism has become synonymous with witch hunting zealots.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fox News' long history of race-baiting | Media Matters for America

I'd like the editorial staff at the Daily News Record to check this research paper done by Media Matters. They'll call it a leftist blog, but that only means that the race baiting, racist stories and racially charged political strategies pursued by the right wing are listed objectively. This is what they've done!

I was accused on the blog of playing the race card by whining about racism yet again. The blogger, one of my favorite foils on the blog, just got tired of hearing it. I simply listed yet again several of the instances of race baiting on the blog and in the right wing noise machine and told him to get used to it.

I agree with Joan Walsh who thinks that racist stories and race baiting by the right wing needs to be called out whenever it occurs. I'd say the same thing about the left, but the famous "Southern Strategy" is a famous and well known strategy of the right. I've yet to see any equivalent on the left. Tell me when I'm wrong.