Thursday, November 29, 2007

We've Conquered Iraq!

Today in American Progress, Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Satyam Khanna, Matt Corley, and Ali Frick, report on the conquest of Iraq.  We finally learn why we went into Iraq and why we are "winning."  On Monday President Bush and Prime Minister Maliki declared their everlasting devotion by signing a non-binding "Declaration of Principles for a Long-Term Relationship of Cooperation and Friendship"

Wow!  All it says is that the US will guarantee the safety and security of Iraq forever, both from internal and external enemies.  In return Iraq will graciously let the US have four huge military bases (already constructed or nearly finished) and a sweetheart deal for the Big Oil Companies. America has CONQUERED IRAQ. Plain and Simple

The debate is now much clearer.  President Bush has finally confirmed what we've been guessing for a long time. The purpose of going into Iraq WAS the oil AND to have a big military presence in the Middle East to protect it.  Pure Imperialism.  These rich guys understand unbridled Capitalism better than anyone! You spend money to make money, period.  Bush got his hands on government money, saw the opportunity to make a LOT of money and away he went. 

Support the troops if you will, but be sure to count the cost!  We’ve spent a lot of time, money, and military might on this conquest.  The President made this choice for us.  By not giving us the real reason for going to war and playing cutthroat political games to make it happen, the large majority of the American people were left out of the loop. He made war for conquest and now he’s finally declared his true intent. 

Let the debate include accountability.  Was this the proper use of America's wealth and military?  Should unbridled Capitalism and Imperialism be the lynchpin of American culture, politics and foreign policy?  Are there better ways to insure the security and welfare of the citizens of THE UNITED STATES?  Should the leader of the free world be allowed to invade and conquer nations WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF “WE THE PEOPLE?”


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