Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dear Editor

Quit apologizing for corruption and dishonesty in Government. In today's editorial, yet again, you seem to say that lying to Congress is okay. Doing so must mean that you accept the excuse of incompetence. Wow! Would you please tell us sometime that the ability to actually govern is important? Bushies are political hacks to whom the truth is whatever works for the party. Bushies are allowed to play politics with everything and still say that Democrats are playing partisan games? Cover ups, lying, playing fast and loose with rules? Come on! Where's the scandal in that? Are you blind?

In a recent USA Today Poll, a large majority of Americans believe that Administration officials should go to Congress and testify under oath. Another large majority believes that it is very important for Congress to investigate the involvement of the White House in the matter of the Gonzales 8. And yet another large majority believes that President Bush should not invoke executive privilege on behalf of his White House staff.

First with Scooter Libby, who is now a convicted felon, and now with Alberto Gonzales, it is evident that Congress was misled and lied to. To say that there is no scandal because THEY DIDN'T REALLY NEED TO LIE, BUT LIED ANYWAY, is a complete, helpless joke.

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