Wednesday, March 21, 2007

And the World shrugged...

Khalid Sheik Mohammed was captured, tortured, held in secret prisons, and now is finally having his day in court as he faces a Guantanamo Bay military tribunal. His capture was a major accomplishment in the "war on terror" giving hope that his knowledge of plots and plans would reveal valuable intelligence and real insight into the terrorist movement. His stature was such that the most serious "gloves off" treatment was administered. Basic CIA "alternative interrogation techniques" were used evidently to great success. He confessed to everything! He took credit for every major terrorist attack in the last 10 years! Trouble is it sounded like bragging. It was almost as if Mr. Mohammed was laughing in our face saying, "You wanted to hear it? Well, here it is.. All of it!" In so doing, he belies all credibility.

This news of Mr. Mohammed's confession should have been greeted with claims of victory and at least some front page news. Where were the editorials and news articles proclaiming this as a great victory in the war on terror? Outside of the Fox Network, the rest of the major media and the entire international community gave a collective shrug and pretty much ignored the news.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed is undoubtedly a very bad guy. As a terrorist and mastermind of murderous plots against humanity, he is obviously deserving of the most severe punishments our LEGAL system can bestow. The problem is simply the way he was treated and the manner in which his interrogation was handled. There was no attempt to ensure the credibility of his statements. The methods used to gain information are generally considered ineffective and immoral, which the administration continues to deny.
"The administration claims it has not used torture on prisoners such as Mr. Mohammed. Yet it has been working aggressively to ensure that he and 13 other accused terrorists formerly held in secret CIA prisons are never allowed to reveal how they were treated."

The amoral methods of fighting terrorism, advocated by the Bush administration are now proving to be wrong, destructive, and ineffective. In fact, the tribunals will now need to be held in complete secrecy in order to hide the fact that the CIA tortured Mr. Mohammed and the 13 others held in secret CIA prisons throughout the world.

Anne Applebaum lays it out clearly in the Washington Post on March 20:
"If al-Qaeda members are allowed to talk about the abuse they suffered, President Bush's frequent contention that no one was tortured will come under question; so will his determination to maintain the CIA's secret detention "program." If the administration strategy succeeds, much of the trials and appeals of the al-Qaeda suspects will have to be conducted in secret -- something that will strip the proceedings of credibility and legitimacy."

Fast and loose; take the gloves off; rule of law; blood rage; revenge; preventive war; and now utter helplessness. Because these guys simply believed they were right, they felt that the rules could be bent, due process ignored. Because these enemies were so bad, evil, and terrible, only a vigilante style justice would suffice. Now they are on the verge of bumbling and stumbling through the Mohammed tribunal so ineptly that the world simply won't believe whatever outcome may occur. Very sad.

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