Friday, April 19, 2013

Tax Freedom Folly

This statement is true folly:
"Taxation in this land of the free is an oppressive burden not only on individuals but also on businesses...
That, of course, means slashing the size of government." 
( DNRonline : Tax Freedom Finally Here) - 4/18/2013

It is an empty plea of selfishness spoken by a radical anti-tax zealot with a bully pulpit. There should be no talk of smaller government or of slashing services until EXACTLY what parts of it are identified as overblown and need cutting.

It is brazen to argue simply, “Slash Government.” There is no single entity called "The Government." It is a collective made up entirely of the services and functions that WE the citizens of the United States of America choose to provide for ourselves.

Stop this insane ranting about the size of government and continue the debate on how our money should rightly be spent.

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