Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Alabama's Stupid Immigration Policy

Here is a consequence of radical anti-immigration fervor. Somebody forgot to count the cost of a policy that forces all immigrant workers, legal and illegal to flee the state. Are we ready to pay American workers what they expect to be paid in order to harvest the crops?  Are we willing to treat workers with the respect Americans expect in order to fill the jobs being vacated by the cheap labor pool of legal and illegal immigrant workers?

Alabama has chased off their cheap labor pool.  It's precisely the wrong thing to do and Alabama will suffer economic and social consequences. Giving in to radical, emotional policy decisions is never a good idea. What would have happened had an intelligent, pragmatic immigration policy been in place?  Wouldn't it have been better to offer a path to citizenship? Wouldn't it have been better to have treated the workers with enough respect to enable them to keep their jobs and perhaps allow them to become American citizens? Wouldn't it have been better to find away to let them be here legally?
I think yes to all of the above.

It's the common good of the nation that's at stake. A radicalized fear of foreign immigration does nothing but affects everything.  Time to call this out, put a stop to it, grow up, get a life, acknowledge reality, accept the "melting pot," get over it, move on……

More work to do.

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