Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Texas Textbook Massacre.. Rewriting history

Texas Textbook MASSACRE: 'Ultraconservatives' Approve Radical Changes To State Education Curriculum

Politicians, real estate developers, librarians, professionals and experts all except in the world of education are rewriting the history curriculum of the state of Texas. What do these folks know about curriculum? Apply this standard. Let an expert in real estate diagnose and treat your illness. Let a librarian defend you in a court of law. Let a school teacher give you advice and counsel on your stock market investments. Let a General in the armed forces preach on Sunday about peace and good will to all.

Let the same amateur educators determine what should be in the curriculum? It's a complete and utter farce.

Yes they're fighting the battle against "liberalism." I get it. What they don't understand is that the liberal arts curriculum teaches the conservative point of view! It is viewed in it's proper place and in context alongside other points of view. The conservative view of truth leaves out anything that is viewed as liberal or unchristian. That is fatal to education. That is brainwashing. Read the article linked here, find out what's included and what's left out. Then go to your local school and tell your principal and the teachers to stand against this blatant attempt a political propaganda. Tell them to teach all of the history or at least a balanced, contextual version of it.

Why is this important? It's a "free market" issue. The size of the Texas market for schoolbooks means that the rest of the country gets these books too! Fifteen amateurs in Texas are rewriting American History! They are pretending to be "experts" in educational curriculum.  Amazing and Tragic! Call someone, write something, help put a stop to it anyway you can.


Belle Rose said...

They also rewrite/deny science. Worse than being amateurs, they are ideologues wanting to impose their fundamentalist views... Texas Taliban.

Brent Holl said...

Translation for #2:

Although it is said to work very tired, but still have to deal with every day, take a look at the article a break, thank you oh! ........................................