Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just Saying NO

Just this word of warning from Paul Krugman, an advocate of spending as a way of saving the economy:

Everyone should be paying attention to the political/fiscal catastrophe now unfolding in California. Years of neglect, followed by economic disaster — and with all reasonable responses blocked by a fanatical, irrational minority.

This could be America next.

And we hear from Congressman and fine Virginian, Eric Cantor, that he's adopting the Gingrichian method of politics. Because he's unable to to be original [I guess] he's going to "Just Say No" to anything that Obama tries to do on "principle." He's already indicated that he will be against the Housing initiative after he was for it. As it stands, he's a leader of the "radical, fanatical minority" blocking any reasonable solutions and who seem to be celebrating the fact that "only" 7% of homeowners have lost their homes to foreclosure. "Servicing" the poor, just saying no... Republican ideas you can count on.


Anonymous said...

Hi there rager. This is flyonthewall and I have been doing some research and would like your help. This is about this CRA nonsense and I think I found some interesting information. Do you have an e-mail address I can use, as I really don't want to publish mine. I'll check back or you know where to find me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You've got mail from the fly.

Brent Holl said...

Please use this email to contact BlueRager: