Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thank You Notes.

Thank you Bill Richardson. Thank you for saying what's important about Barack Obama's qualifications for being the leader of the free world. You said that Barack's speech on race in America was "an example of courageous, thoughtful, and inspiring leadership." He thanked Barack for speaking to us as adults, and reminding us that cynicism is not realism, and that hope is not folly.
“Senator Barack Obama addressed the issue of race with the eloquence and sincerity and decency and optimism we have come to expect of him,” he said. “He did not seek to evade tough issues or to soothe us with comforting half-truths. Rather, he inspired us by reminding us of the awesome potential residing in our own responsibility.”

He added: “Senator Obama could have given a safer speech. He is, after all, well ahead in the delegate count for our party’s nomination.”

and ... (sigh)...

Thank you Michelle Malkin for giving us a balanced, nuanced, finely coded racist rant in your column today. You also stated what you thought was the single most important problem with Obama's qualifications for President. He chose the wrong pastor! This blindingly brilliant insight came after almost a thousand words of coded right wing ranting. In fact, it sounded a lot like a left wing radical rant against the Bush Presidency. That she lit up the newsprint with so many rhetorical fireworks was a little silly. Why not just hold up a sign girl? "WELCOME TO MIDDLE SCHOOL CIVICS!" This level of discourse from the warrior queen is to be expected from preadolescents who don't yet have the ability to delve into issues of race, politics, and government with any depth. Seriously! No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, six paragraphs of vitriolic name-calling followed by a completely hypocritical non sequitur passes for political commentary? Back to your middle school civics class girl!

and... (whew!)

Thank you Barack Obama for risking your political career on the idea that the American people are strong, resiliant, and thoughtful. You responded to the FOX led media assault on your church and your pastor not with excuses, defensiveness, or coded racism, but with a thoughtful, balanced, courageous speech that none of us can be completely comfortable hearing. (Look who's squealing the loudest! See paragraph 2) You risked everything telling us what we needed to hear instead of pandering to one constituency or another. Could Hillary Clinton or John McCain have made this speech? Further, could they have made this speech BELIEVABLE? My friends I give you a Leader, like it or not, for President of the United States, Barack Obama.

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