Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who really wants "Change?"

What is this "Change" that everyone's talking about?

John Kerry this morning on "This Week" says that it will be paradigm shift in politics from hyper-partisan ship, to an era of truly working together. He thinks that Barack Obama's vision, personality, and ability to govern effectively is the change we need.

Hillary Clinton thinks that all we need to change is the party in power. She thinks that SHE can start governing on day one, and that SHE has the RIGHT kind of experience necessary for presidential decision making.

Michelle Malkin thinks we all need a BIG attitude adjustment and quit being such big sissies.

Bob Goodlatte thinks we should all change the way we think about "earmarks" and simply realize that this is the way things work and accept all the largesse that HE'S brought back to the district.

Republicans in the House of Delegates want us to change our attitude about government "efficiency" and just be quiet while they kill bills secretly in clandestine sub-committee meetings.

The Valley Family Forum wants to change our society into a monastic village with "walls that protect us" from secular society.

It's ALL business as usual! None of this represents anything different that what we've experienced in our generation. We're still playing out the issues of the 40's, 50's and 60's. We're mired in talk of the political horse race. None of the candidates, pundits or members of the media want to address the issues that would represent a real change in our society, the political "Elephants in the room."

Which candidate will dare stand up to the Military Industrial Complex and say that we really could downsize the defense budget to ... say... only half of what the rest of the world spends on the military, COMBINED! Will any candidate stand up and say that we need to value Peace and Justice more than War and Imperialism?

Who will dare stand up and say that it's really all about Energy and the Environment! Can we please talk about the waste of time that is the debate about Corn Ethanol and talk a little about conservation and better sources of alternative energy? Can we change our "automobile culture" from bigger, stronger, faster to smaller, farther, cheaper? Can we change our economy to something other than how much more stuff we have to buy to keep us from a recession?

Now... Who wants to really talk about "CHANGE" ?

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