Sunday, December 30, 2007

Michelle Malkin on Peace...

(from the Daily News Record editorial page, December 29, 2007)

“But by year's end, with Shiites and Sunnis marching and praying together for peace, even anti-war Democrats and adversarial media outlets alike were forced to acknowledge that undeniable military progress and security improvements had been made.”

So Michelle, you are trumpeting the resounding success of the military campaign in Iraq? Sunni's and Shiites are marching together for peace? ahem... A glorious triumph? Is it just bloodlust or are you truly proud of the death, destruction, and corruption in your Glorious War against Terrorists? Are you really proud of the TRILLION+ dollars being spent? Are you rejoicing at the machismo displayed by the gallant Blackwater murdering mercenaries? You are proud of this? "Bull!" Your only point seems to be, "Since we bombed the place into rubble, and killed or chased away a large number of the populace, see how great the place is?" Are you a Glory hound? Is your machismo fake? "Hell Yes!"

“Good news in the war on terror is bad news for those rooting for failure. Far easier to play up casualties and sectarian strife, sensationalize accusations of atrocities, and demonize the men and women in uniform to indulge Bush Derangement Syndrome,…”

So Michelle, it's ok to just ignore the bloodshed, the displaced population, the atrocities, the casualties, the veterans who suffer ill effects from the war? In fact anyone who acknowledges these realities is DERANGED? There would be no Bush Derangement Syndrome without your truly "deranged" attitude about the Glorious War on Terror.

In the ensuing 12 months, Democrats tried and failed repeatedly to undermine this military strategy and starve the war of funding. Their poisonously partisan allies at attempted to smear surge architect and patriot Gen. David Petraeus as a traitor. The New York Times and Associated Press fought tooth and nail to obscure the successes of the surge with their relentless "grim milestone" drumbeat.

Through it all, Gen. Petraeus and the troops serving under him have remained stalwart, candid and courageous. He told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Jan. 23: "The way ahead will be neither quick nor easy."

So this is what we are fighting for? Glory for the military? War heroes everywhere? Anyone who opposes the Dear Leader and his Neoconservative foreign policy advisers is “poisonously partisan?” Only War Leaders are “patriots?”

Michelle, I would rather admire our political and military leaders for their leadership qualities, intellect, and ability to govern, than the size of their testicles. What is the opposite of the Bush Derangement Syndrome? I’m very sure I don’t want to be in that radical camp of Deranged Bush Worshipers!

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