Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Lowering the Bar...Continued

Today offered yet three more indications of the Bush Administration "lowering the bar."

First: In the Scooter Libby sentencing hearing, the defense attorney's argument that since there was no underlying crime ever found, the sentence should be lenient. Judge Walton disagreed expressing the opinion that a lenient sentence would rewarding a successful obstruction of justice. Libby's purpose in misleading the investigation was to stonewall and protect the truly guilty. In this he has succeeded.

To the Bush Administration this is simply the way things are supposed to work. They view governing as political war and are willing to accept some "casualties." They also expect their loyal soldiers to fall on their swords when it's necessary. Libby has proved himself a good and loyal soldier in the Bush/Cheney army.

Second: Alberto is still on the job.

Third: The President and Vice-President have now set the standard for the utterance of spontaneous obscenities on TV. Evidently since it's OK for them to do it, it's OK for everyone! That's what a federal appeals panel concluded on Monday. Hold your ears everyone....


Representative Goodlatte has again shown that he can only offer kind words but no real support of those who would be concerned about the health of the Chesapeake Bay. After many times praising efforts to reduce the pollution going into the bay and supporting this effort with speeches and town meetings, he has now sadly concluded that such efforts are simply "too expensive."

Remember that Goodlatte is completely in the pocket of the very industries that responsible for the pollution and is beholden to the agricultural conglomerates that are fighting the CHESSEA proposals. The difference between what he does and what he says.... Pay attention people!

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