I've often offered the cynical view in political conversations that one party is heavily invested in the poor economic climate we find ourselves in. The saddest part is that the current "boom" benefits only the wealthiest citizens while the less wealthy haven't seen much benefit, and the middle and lower class are struggling and fighting to maintain what's left of their share of the American Dream. It's good political news for the corporatists in politics if the default happens. Eric Cantor's blatant conflict of interest is the glaring example. The dirty little secret no one will talk about is that if the debt default happens, interest on the debt goes up and everything gets more expensive, especially the government's debt. Some one needs to look into who will be benefitting from all that newly generated interest income. Follow the money and you'll find a whole bunch of investors, foreign and domestic that will make out like bandits when America defaults.
The economy is perking right along for the big banks, the international corps, the big energy companies and is being protected by a bi-partisan band of corporatist congressioners who are heavily invested in tanking the economy. It's politically a no brainer too. History shows that the party that's running things when the economy tanks loses... period. In this case the party that doing the tanking and purposefully and deliberately taking the wrecking ball to America will come out on top. What then?
Our failure to create jobs is a choice, not a necessity — a choice rationalized by an ever-shifting set of excuses.More work to do.